Di Basic Calcium Phosphate Dihydrate (DC&Powder Grade) USP Posted on September 4, 2015October 10, 2015 by WhoAmI Country: INDIA Discription: White crystalline powder, odourless, tasteless. Practically insoluble in alcohol Soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute nitric acid Neutral in pH and chemically inert High stability with active ingredients. Function: Important excipient used as a diluent and filler Application: (Product: Pharmaceutical and Food industry.) (Directly Compressible) Binder and Filler for pharmaceutical tablets (Directly Compressible) Binder and Filler for Food tablet products. Commercial Package: 25 kg Bag REQUEST TESTING SAMPLECOMPANY *Name *POSITION *Email *Phone *Product Name *Product Application VerificationPlease enter any two digitsExample: 12This box is for spam protection - please leave it blank: Share